Woman holding her jaw

Can Chiropractic Help TMJ Pain?

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint. What a mouthful! The TMJ is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. This joint is crucial for movement in your jaw, allowing you to talk, chew, and yawn. When someone has TMJ disorder, they might experience symptoms like: Jaw pain: This can be a dull ache or sharp pain, often around the joint area. Clicking or popping sounds: These noises might occur when opening or closing the mouth. Difficulty moving the…

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Why Some Patients Fail Care

Why Some Patients Fail Care

Picture doctors as the medical maestros, orchestrating the symphony of healing with a blend of expertise and precision tools. In the good ol' days, specialized knowledge was a treasure found in textbooks and studies vetted by experts and carefully researched. But now, the internet and social media is a digital fire hose of information. Amidst the chaos, beware of self-styled authorities—whether it's the fitness guru on your Instagram feed or the mom blogger with a penchant for nutrition—who dole out…

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Stop stretching your sciatica

Sciatica? Stop Stretching!

Have you ever felt a sudden onset of pain in the butt, hamstring or down the calf? Maybe it even felt like burning or tingling? Your back may hurt too, and getting up from sitting feels brutal. Your first instinct to to try to stretch your legs, and it actually feels worse! Unfortunately, you may be experiencing sciatica. Sciatica is one of the most common conditions we treat in our clinic, so don't worry, we're here to help! What is…

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Dr. Wasserman catching an Atlantic Sailfish

Bulletproof Your Body for Paddling

Those of you who know me and have been to our office probably know that one of my favorite hobbies is kayaking. I specifically enjoy offshore kayak fishing. This involves paddling my kayak out into the ocean approximately 3 miles off the beach. Total paddling distance can be up to 18 miles in a day and last 6-8 hours. While this is an extreme version of paddle sports not suitable for everyone, endurance and proper form are critical aspects to…

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How Do I Fix My Tennis Elbow?

If you have pain on the outside of your elbow that has been nagging you for months, you are not alone. In fact, not a week goes by that we don't see this condition in our office. Let me guess some other symptoms: you can't pick up a glass of water without a deep aching, even though you may lift heavy weights without much of an issue. The pain has probably been ongoing for months and getting worse. You are…

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Woman with scoliosis

What’s the Deal with Scoliosis?

Some of you may remember an experience many of us had in middle school. One day, you got sent to the locker room or gymnasium and a nurse told you to bend over and touch your toes. You just experienced the scoliosis screen, known to doctors as Adam's test. This test is still being done today, however most likely performed by your pediatrician. Some of you were told that you did, in fact, have scoliosis. And most of you don't…

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Medicare Benefits Explained for 2023

Medicare Benefits Explained for 2024

Every January I cover the topic of Medicare benefits. Insurance plans restart and we get a new influx of patients who are confused or misinformed about their benefits. There are also frequently patients who are using Medicare for the first time and are unaware about how their new benefits work. Here I present to you, an explanation of your chiropractic Medicare benefits for 2024. First of all, you must understand that chiropractic Medicare coverage is entirely unique. It works completely…

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Wooden figure fallen on the ground

One Rep Max Living

If you've been a patient in my office, you know that I make rehabilitative exercise a part of every treatment plan for every patient. Exercise is the number one word that reappears over and over again in the research for improving musculoskeletal disorders. As someone who practices exclusively evidenced-based treatment, that means I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't include it. That is, if the goal is to reduce pain and improve functional movement as quickly as possible.…

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I Threw My Back Out

I Threw My Back Out & Other Myths

Has another chiropractor ever told you your rib is out? Or you threw your back out? Or your legs are uneven? Because every week our patients come in with these supposed diagnoses. These are painfully inaccurate descriptions that come from trying to turn a complex topic into a simple explanation. A big part of a doctor's job is to translating complex medical concepts into easily understood language. There is a a certain balance that we need to achieve when explaining…

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How to Stop Chronic Pain for Good

Most people originally come to us because they want to stop feeling pain. That's their main goal. Others want more. They want to do things like play golf better, lift their grand-kids, exercise without hurting, or go on hikes during vacations. We can help both types of people in our office: those who just want to stop hurting and those who want to function or perform better overall. But, I think many people who only want to stop the pain…

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