Performance training

Big News: Now Offering New Service!

Every year, health insurances companies have increased insurance premiums for their customers, while simultaneously lowering reimbursement for health care providers. Patients pay more, doctors get less, and insurance companies keep the bulk of the profits. Typically, this results in clinics trying to fit more patients into the same amount of time in a day. As I'm sure many of you have experienced in other clinics, this inevitably leads to shorter patient visits, decreased quality of care, and the feeling that…

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The Fourth Trimester: A 6-week home exercise program for postpartum mothers

Pregnancy & Postpartum Live Event

I want to highlight an event hosted by Dr. Shanele Lundahl of Myo Medical. The period of time after pregnancy rarely gets the attention it deserves. That stops here! Dr. Shanele Lundahl’s practice with pregnant and postpartum women is transformative. She’ll share information about what to expect and how to safely rebuild the body during the postpartum period. Whether you’re hoping to conceive, expecting, or already delivered, this talk will give you valuable information that will transform your plans and…

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The Fourth Trimester: A 6-week home exercise program for postpartum mothers

Pregnancy & Postpartum Care: The Fourth Trimester

Pregnancy is one of the most special times in a woman's life and her body will undergo one of the most transformational changes she will ever experience. Making sure the body continues to move well and feel well is critical in this period. Chiropractic treatment has been shown to make for easier pregnancy, birth and recovery. It's easy to see how through all these body changes that you may require some maintenance to remain comfortable. However, one time period that…

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Tidal Chiropractic Will Re-Open May 11

Tidal Chiropractic has been closed since April 1st in order to flatten the curve and protect patients from the coronavirus. Chiropractic offices have been classified as an essential business, however we felt it was in the best interest of our doctor, our patients, and the public to voluntarily close for the last four weeks. Starting May 11th we will be re-opening with protective measures in place that require cooperation from all patients and staff. We will limit the number of…

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