Easy Daily Stretching Routine

This topic was chosen by popular request from you, our patients! There's so much information available these days that it's hard to narrow down the essentials. So, when trying to create a daily stretching routine, how do you know which exercises to include? Take it from an expert of the musculoskeletal system, me, Dr. Wasserman! […]

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Stop stretching your sciatica

Sciatica? Stop Stretching!

Have you ever felt a sudden onset of pain in the butt, hamstring or down the calf? Maybe it even felt like burning or tingling? Your back may hurt too, and getting up from sitting feels brutal. Your first instinct to to try to stretch your legs, and it actually feels worse! Unfortunately, you may […]

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Pickleball injury prevention

Preventing Injuries in Pickleball

Pickleball has gained significant popularity as a fun and accessible racket sport that appeals to people of all ages. However, like any physical activity, playing pickleball comes with the risk of injuries if proper precautions are not taken. Pickleball involves a combination of rapid movements, sudden stops, and repetitive motions. These factors, when combined with […]

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Women in a yoga class practicing breathing technique

You’re Probably Breathing Wrong

Breathing is the most fundamental functions of the human body (and non-human bodies too). We've been doing it thousands of times a day, every day, non-stop, since birth. What if I told you that you've been breathing wrong for most of your life? It kind of makes sense, right? You have to figure out how […]

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Airplane flying above the clouds at dusk

Flying with Back Pain

As the holidays approach, some of you may be choosing to travel by plane to visit family. An estimated 6 million Floridians will be traveling by plane this holiday season. And, as we've discussed in the past, as much as 80% of Americans experience back pain at some point. Over half experience it every year. […]

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Silouette of a man balancing on slack line

Everyone Needs Balance and Stability Training

We already know how important exercise is for maintaining our health. This is especially true as we begin to experience age-related physical decline in areas such as strength, agility, balance and stability. However, many of our fitness endeavors and goals tend to neglect that last category. Improving balance and stability should be a priority to […]

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