Easy Daily Stretching Routine

This topic was chosen by popular request from you, our patients! There's so much information available these days that it's hard to narrow down the essentials. So, when trying to create a daily stretching routine, how do you know which exercises to include? Take it from an expert of the musculoskeletal system, me, Dr. Wasserman! […]

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Woman with plantar fasciitis taking off her high heels

Plantar Fasciitis Can Stop You in Your Tracks

You may have recently heard that Tiger Woods dropped out of his latest tournament due to a painful condition known as plantar fasciitis. I love talking about plantar fasciitis (as evidenced by my previous posts discussing it here and here). The reason is because I have had great success with treating this condition in our […]

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Doctor performing tests

Comprehensive Evaluation, Treatment, Prevention

Too often patients are let down by their healthcare providers. As the patient, you deserve to be guided back to health appropriately and efficiently. Too many injured and ailing people are not receiving comprehensive evaluation, and therefore not receiving appropriate conservative care, nor are they given a game plan to prevent the pain or injury […]

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Michelangelo's David and his cracked ankles

David’s Cracked Ankles

In Florence, Italy sits a monument representing the perfect beauty of the human form. Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo created David in the 15th century. David is a marvel of marble sitting at 17 feet tall. It is the most famous statue in the world, receiving over a million visitors each year in the rotunda room. […]

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Heat vs. ice: which one should I use?

Heat vs. Ice: Which One Do I Use?

We've all done it: accidentally hit your finger with a hammer, stepped off a curb and rolled your ankle, or pulled a muscle working out at the gym. Sometimes we just wake up with a stiff or sore neck, or achy muscles, without any idea of what happened to cause this. Following this incident, we […]

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Woman with sciatic pain holding her leg

Preventing & Fixing Sciatica

In the midst of a viral outbreak sweeping the globe, we have been relegated to staying at home in order to contain the spread. All this extra time at home has lead to increased amount of time sitting down for long periods of time. This is a perfect example of when sciatica may make an […]

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