Why Some Patients Fail Care

Why Some Patients Fail Care

Picture doctors as the medical maestros, orchestrating the symphony of healing with a blend of expertise and precision tools. In the good ol' days, specialized knowledge was a treasure found in textbooks and studies vetted by experts and carefully researched. But now, the internet and social media is a digital fire hose of information. Amidst the chaos, beware of self-styled authorities—whether it's the fitness guru on your Instagram feed or the mom blogger with a penchant for nutrition—who dole out…

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Wooden figure fallen on the ground

One Rep Max Living

If you've been a patient in my office, you know that I make rehabilitative exercise a part of every treatment plan for every patient. Exercise is the number one word that reappears over and over again in the research for improving musculoskeletal disorders. As someone who practices exclusively evidenced-based treatment, that means I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't include it. That is, if the goal is to reduce pain and improve functional movement as quickly as possible.…

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Performance training

Big News: Now Offering New Service!

Every year, health insurances companies have increased insurance premiums for their customers, while simultaneously lowering reimbursement for health care providers. Patients pay more, doctors get less, and insurance companies keep the bulk of the profits. Typically, this results in clinics trying to fit more patients into the same amount of time in a day. As I'm sure many of you have experienced in other clinics, this inevitably leads to shorter patient visits, decreased quality of care, and the feeling that…

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How to Stop Chronic Pain for Good

Most people originally come to us because they want to stop feeling pain. That's their main goal. Others want more. They want to do things like play golf better, lift their grand-kids, exercise without hurting, or go on hikes during vacations. We can help both types of people in our office: those who just want to stop hurting and those who want to function or perform better overall. But, I think many people who only want to stop the pain…

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Woman with plantar fasciitis taking off her high heels

Plantar Fasciitis Can Stop You in Your Tracks

You may have recently heard that Tiger Woods dropped out of his latest tournament due to a painful condition known as plantar fasciitis. I love talking about plantar fasciitis (as evidenced by my previous posts discussing it here and here). The reason is because I have had great success with treating this condition in our office. First, let's discuss what it is, then what other practitioners are doing wrong, and how our unique approach has found success for our patients.…

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Man lifting dumbbell in a suit

Can You Get Stronger in 3 Seconds a Day?

Recently, a team published a research study that includes studying the shortest workout of all time. Both men and women were ask to flex their arms as hard as they could for 3 seconds. After a month, their biceps were 12% stronger. Pretty astonishing, huh? This lends more evidence that even little amounts of exercise have benefits compared to none at all. There have been previous studies that explore short bursts of exercise, but they mostly discuss cardiovascular activity. Biking…

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A butterfly going through three phases of metamorphosis

Three Phases of Care

One of the most common questions patients have is, "how long will it take to get better?" This depends on your goals. For most people, their goal is simply to get out of pain as quickly as possible, and that's our main goal too. For others, their goals go beyond simply pain reduction, because they want to improve the quality and function of their life. They may want to play with their grand-kids, exercise without discomfort, or return to playing…

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Doctor performing tests

Comprehensive Evaluation, Treatment, Prevention

Too often patients are let down by their healthcare providers. As the patient, you deserve to be guided back to health appropriately and efficiently. Too many injured and ailing people are not receiving comprehensive evaluation, and therefore not receiving appropriate conservative care, nor are they given a game plan to prevent the pain or injury from returning in the future. There are many types of ailments and illnesses, but for the purpose of this article we will be discussing musculoskeletal…

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We will be closed Monday, October 14th - Monday, October 21st!