Easy Daily Stretching Routine

This topic was chosen by popular request from you, our patients! There's so much information available these days that it's hard to narrow down the essentials. So, when trying to create a daily stretching routine, how do you know which exercises to include? Take it from an expert of the musculoskeletal system, me, Dr. Wasserman! […]

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Woman stretching on a yoga mat

Healthspan, Not Lifespan

A quarter of Americans are completely sedentary. They do no physical activity at all. The number of physically inactive American adults rises as people get older, with that number jumping to 26% for adults aged 50 to 64, 27% for those aged 65 to 74, and 35% for people aged 75 years and older. However, […]

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Man lifting dumbbell in a suit

Can You Get Stronger in 3 Seconds a Day?

Recently, a team published a research study that includes studying the shortest workout of all time. Both men and women were ask to flex their arms as hard as they could for 3 seconds. After a month, their biceps were 12% stronger. Pretty astonishing, huh? This lends more evidence that even little amounts of exercise […]

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Airplane flying above the clouds at dusk

Flying with Back Pain

As the holidays approach, some of you may be choosing to travel by plane to visit family. An estimated 6 million Floridians will be traveling by plane this holiday season. And, as we've discussed in the past, as much as 80% of Americans experience back pain at some point. Over half experience it every year. […]

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Silouette of a man balancing on slack line

Everyone Needs Balance and Stability Training

We already know how important exercise is for maintaining our health. This is especially true as we begin to experience age-related physical decline in areas such as strength, agility, balance and stability. However, many of our fitness endeavors and goals tend to neglect that last category. Improving balance and stability should be a priority to […]

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