Woman holding her jaw

Can Chiropractic Help TMJ Pain?

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint. What a mouthful! The TMJ is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. This joint is crucial for movement in your jaw, allowing you to talk, chew, and yawn. When someone has TMJ disorder, they might experience symptoms like: Jaw pain: This can be a dull ache or sharp pain, often around the joint area. Clicking or popping sounds: These noises might occur when opening or closing the mouth. Difficulty moving the…

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Woman demonstrating a variety of postures

Can Chiropractic Improve Posture?

The answer is yes, but probably not in the way that you think. Every day people visit the chiropractor to improve posture, but most misunderstand the methods in how this is achieved. First, we need to understand a few things: what is good and bad posture? What are the misconceptions patients have about how chiropractic improves posture? How is good posture actually and scientifically improved? We will explore these questions in this article. What is Good and Bad Posture? We…

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Man feeling dizzy and holding head in hands

Treat Vertigo, Improve Balance

Did you know that chiropractors are able to help relieve certain types of dizziness and vertigo? Often, relief is almost instant following treatment. Research also shows that in the long term may also help improve balance. However, it's important to let a professional examine you first to determine if your symptoms may be caused by something more serious. It's the first step to receiving what the appropriate treatment is for your condition. Let's take a look at the different types…

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Women in a yoga class practicing breathing technique

You’re Probably Breathing Wrong

Breathing is the most fundamental functions of the human body (and non-human bodies too). We've been doing it thousands of times a day, every day, non-stop, since birth. What if I told you that you've been breathing wrong for most of your life? It kind of makes sense, right? You have to figure out how to do it the moment you are born, and then you keep doing it like that for the rest of your life. You're 10 minutes…

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The Fourth Trimester: A 6-week home exercise program for postpartum mothers

Pregnancy & Postpartum Care: The Fourth Trimester

Pregnancy is one of the most special times in a woman's life and her body will undergo one of the most transformational changes she will ever experience. Making sure the body continues to move well and feel well is critical in this period. Chiropractic treatment has been shown to make for easier pregnancy, birth and recovery. It's easy to see how through all these body changes that you may require some maintenance to remain comfortable. However, one time period that…

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Sleep Position

Is There A Perfect Sleep Position?

I often get asked about if there is an ideal sleep position, and if so, what does that look like? We spend an average of a third of our lives laying in our beds, shouldn't we make sure that we aren't injuring ourselves while doing so? So, today we're going to discuss best sleeping postures and best practices for each position. I know that some people can never sleep in certain positions because they are uncomfortable, or they simply cannot…

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