Easy Daily Stretching Routine

This topic was chosen by popular request from you, our patients! There's so much information available these days that it's hard to narrow down the essentials. So, when trying to create a daily stretching routine, how do you know which exercises to include? Take it from an expert of the musculoskeletal system, me, Dr. Wasserman! […]

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Stop stretching your sciatica

Sciatica? Stop Stretching!

Have you ever felt a sudden onset of pain in the butt, hamstring or down the calf? Maybe it even felt like burning or tingling? Your back may hurt too, and getting up from sitting feels brutal. Your first instinct to to try to stretch your legs, and it actually feels worse! Unfortunately, you may […]

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I Threw My Back Out

I Threw My Back Out & Other Myths

Has another chiropractor ever told you your rib is out? Or you threw your back out? Or your legs are uneven? Because every week our patients come in with these supposed diagnoses. These are painfully inaccurate descriptions that come from trying to turn a complex topic into a simple explanation. A big part of a […]

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Woman hanging from inversion table in a gym

Are Inversion Tables Safe to Use?

"So Doc, I was at work yesterday and my buddy told me he got an inversion table. He's been using it every night and says his back is feeling great! What's the deal? Are these things safe to use?" Lots more patients are asking about inversion tables and if I think it can help them. […]

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Woman working on standing desk

When is Standing Too Much?

The popularity of using a standing desk has many people asking, "how long should I stand for? Does everyone need a standing desk?" Recently a study came out from The British Journal of Sports Medicine with the title of “Associations of occupational standing with musculoskeletal symptoms: a systematic review with meta-analysis.” The full abstract can […]

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Sleep Position

Is There A Perfect Sleep Position?

I often get asked about if there is an ideal sleep position, and if so, what does that look like? We spend an average of a third of our lives laying in our beds, shouldn't we make sure that we aren't injuring ourselves while doing so? So, today we're going to discuss best sleeping postures […]

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Woman with sciatic pain holding her leg

Preventing & Fixing Sciatica

In the midst of a viral outbreak sweeping the globe, we have been relegated to staying at home in order to contain the spread. All this extra time at home has lead to increased amount of time sitting down for long periods of time. This is a perfect example of when sciatica may make an […]

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