Woman stretching on a yoga mat

Healthspan, Not Lifespan

A quarter of Americans are completely sedentary. They do no physical activity at all. The number of physically inactive American adults rises as people get older, with that number jumping to 26% for adults aged 50 to 64, 27% for those aged 65 to 74, and 35% for people aged 75 years and older. However, this trend is driven by the myth that it's natural for your physical activity to decrease as we age. Sport is for the young, and…

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The 5 B's of Becoming a Better Runner Video

The 5 B’s of Becoming a Better Runner

Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, the 5 B's of becoming a better runner are important for all running athletes to remember. These tips will help you run more efficiently, run faster, and enjoy it more. Don't miss the video at the end of the article, or click here to watch it now on YouTube. Belly Do you have good abdominal strength and control? We are talking more specifically about abdominal control especially below the belly button.…

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Silouette of a man balancing on slack line

Everyone Needs Balance and Stability Training

We already know how important exercise is for maintaining our health. This is especially true as we begin to experience age-related physical decline in areas such as strength, agility, balance and stability. However, many of our fitness endeavors and goals tend to neglect that last category. Improving balance and stability should be a priority to reduce injuries and improve movement confidence. Sometimes, I get patients in the office who inform me, "Oh, I can't do that exercise. I can't get…

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