Low back pain is among the most common conditions treated by chiropractors. There are a variety of reasons why back pain can occur, but up to 80% of adults will experience it at some point in their life. Sometimes the cause of injury is more obvious, such as falling down stairs or a gym accident. Other times, the cause is not so straight-forward, and may be a problem that occurred over a long period of time, such as poor sitting posture at work or core strength de-conditioning.
What's happening in my back?
There are a variety of diagnoses that correlate with low back pain, but the four most common conditions related to the low back are:
- Lumbar Stenosis: a narrowing of the spinal canal that can result in pain, weakness, numbness or tingling into the back or legs.
- Lumbar Strain/Sprain: injuries to the muscles and joints/ligaments respectively, that can cause pain usually related to movement or body position. This can commonly be caused by lifting objects that are too heavy or poor movement patterns.
- Facet Syndrome: this is when the joints in the spine get jammed together, often caused by sitting too long. This condition is most common in the neck, but about 30% of facet syndrome occurs in the low back.
- Lumbar Disc Disorders: lumbar discs are the soft tissues between the bones in your spine, also called vertebrae. These soft discs can bulge or break whether through traumatic means such as a car accident, or over time through degeneration, which is far more common.
How can my low back pain be helped with chiropractic?
The vast majority of people suffering from low back pain will never need surgery to relieve their symptoms. Conservative, non-invasive care has been proven to prevent unnecessary surgeries, save costs, and improves outcomes. This type of care includes hands-on therapy, chiropractic adjustments, as well as exercise rehabilitation programs, and is effective in treating low back pain symptoms while giving you the knowledge to stay pain-free, even after therapy ends.
Regardless of your condition, it is important to be evaluated and examined by a profession to determine the exact cause of your pain and the solution to getting you out of pain permanently and rapidly. Schedule an appointment to take control of your pain and get started with relief today.
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